“The word Hire has a very significant meaning to our family. It is not just a verb to Hire but is a concept by which we live our lives and play our sports. This is something that our children have lived by as they have grown. Each of them received a special clock with the word HIRE engraved on it when they first left home to go to university. It starts as an acronym.”
- Chris Cook
Our Story
HIRE serves as the foundational principle for HIRE Hockey, embodying Humility/Hard work, Initiative, Responsibility, and Enthusiasm. Rather than simply a verb, we perceive HIRE as a noun, a fundamental aspect of our lives. Coined by Christopher Cook, father of founder Cameron Cook, these virtues were instilled not only in his own family but also in thousands of Orthopedic residents over his esteemed 30-year career. To embrace HIRE, we prioritize humility, learning from all; demonstrate initiative by proactive action; embody responsibility through accountability for our choices; and ignite enthusiasm through our passionate pursuit of goals.
Our team of current professional hockey players draws from their own experiences as both players and skill development coaches. Through this dual perspective, they offer guidance, support, and opportunities for players to unlock their full potential and thrive.
Our mission is to foster growth opportunities and provide guidance in a supportive environment where every athlete can thrive and realize their maximum potential through innovative hockey development with the expertise of our mentors.
Our Values
We prioritize excellence and integrity in everything we do, leveraging the expertise of our team of experienced development coaches and professional players to provide unparalleled guidance and support for player development. Our values center on instilling HIRE in our athletes and ensuring every player has the tools and mindset to thrive in the pursuit of their dreams
H - Humility and Hard work. With humility one has integrity, empathy, respect and is coachable. Arrogance does not go far in the world of hockey and life in general. Combined with hard work this creates a formidable combination.
I - Initiative. Doing the right thing within one’s skills and expertise without being told. This helps one stand out from the crowd, shows leadership and confidence.
R- Responsibility. To oneself, family and the team. Creates professionalism and teamwork.
E- Enthusiasm. Creates a positive air about a person, leadership, coachability
“Now the word HIRE is not a verb it is a concept: to Have HIRE. Having HIRE will take you a long way in the world of hockey and in life.” -Chris Cook